Pre + Postnatal Movement

Whether you're looking for prenatal Pilates or yoga, or are returning to postnatal movement, we're here for you! Move with confidence, while feeling strong and supported during, and after your pregnancy.


Firstly, congratulations! Everyone is different, so as a first step, please speak to your health care professional to decide whether exercise is best for you during this time. Once you have their tick of approval, we’re good to go!

While it is not a requirement for our members to complete or submit this form, you might find it a helpful tool to determine if our classes are the right fit for you and your pregnancy.


A few important tips to consider:

1.    First up, speak to your doctor to get clearance to continue moving during your pregnancy
2.    Reach out to your local CorePlus studio, via email, to discuss the best classes and instructors for you
3.    Arrive 15-minutes early for your first class. That way we can chat about how many weeks pregnant or postnatal you are, and check in on any individual needs you might have
4.    Keep your instructors updated on how you’re feeling. That allows us to support you in the best possible way during, and after, your pregnancy


If your pregnancy is uncomplicated, your health care professional is happy for you to move, and you feel up to it, we have plenty of options available!
Pre and Postnatal Friendly Classes 
First Trimester (0 – 12 weeks)

  • All reformer classes, with any instructor
  • Warm Slow Flow Yoga*
  • Warm Yin Yoga*

Second Trimester and beyond (13 – weeks and beyond)

  • Pre and Postnatal Reformer  
  • Athletic Reformer – with trained instructors only**
  • Warm Slow Flow Yoga*
  • Warm Yin Yoga*


  • All classes, following your 6-week consultation and with your doctor's approval
  • Pre and Postnatal Reformer classes can be attended up to 2+ years postnatally

Classes to avoid during pregnancy 

  • Our Hot Pilates and Hot Yoga classes are not pregnancy safe and should be avoided completely.
  • Our Strength Reformer and Cardio Strength Reformer classes are to be avoided from the second trimester onwards. 

*It is recommended that you've practiced in a warm or hot room prior to pregnancy, or have discussed this with your doctor prior to attending.

**Contact your local studio, via email, for a list of trained instructors. This is also visible on our individual instructor bios.


These classes are great if you are looking for personalised, one-on-one attention. Many of our instructors have pre and postnatal expertise, and would love to help you continue to move during and after your pregnancy. If you’d like a personalised one-on-one class, reach out to your local studio for details.


At times, you will need to adjust some movements in our classes to keep you comfortable. Listen to your body and always let your instructor know if something doesn’t feel good, so they can offer an alternative.  

Some general points to consider: 

  • Avoid lying flat on your back for extended periods of time from the second trimester (13 weeks onwards)
  • Avoid lying flat on your tummy 
  • Avoid activities with increased risk of falling (high kneeling on the reformer carriage, standing on the machine on light springs)
  • Avoid hot rooms, try to stay cool and remain hydrated
  • Be mindful of over-stretching, remembering to stretch only to a point that feels comfortable
  • Take a break whenever you need
  • Use props to assist with comfort or balance

You can find  some common modification options for our reformer classes, by watching this video.


There's a few things to keep in mind before returning to movement at CorePlus (welcome back, by the way!):

  • Be sure to get clearance from your health care professional, to return to exercise
  • There's no need to rush back! Remember to take things slow
  • Pay attention to how your body feels, and pull back if it doesn’t feel right
  • Stay hydrated
  • If you're unsure about something, always ask our instructors for clarification


While our classes are designed for adults, children 14-years and over are welcome to participate in classes with their parent or guardian's consent. We do also require that parents or guardians also sign any contracts entered into, if the person is under the age of 18-years.  

Unfortunately, babies and children under 14 are not able to wait at the studio while their parent or guardian participates in a class.  


While teaching at CorePlus, our instructors are constantly referring to the most up-to-date guidelines provided by the Australian Government and RANZCOG.   

We have specific props available in our studios to support you during classes, and of course our instructors are always available to provide pre and postnatal specific options and alternatives as you need.  

Guideline Resources for Reference;

Guidelines for physical activity during pregnancy (aus gov, department of health)
Exercise during pregnancy (the Royal Australia and New Zealand college of obstetricians and gynaecologists)